Creation of Colour Palettes

This will be an on going process creating these colour palettes but at the time of writing this i have created two colour palettes that will be my main showcase here.
As for creating these colour palettes as im aiming for best I can in production and presentation I had to make this fancy alongside everything else. For creating these i was initially going to use Krita and but this was seeming to take way longer as formatting then getting text down was going to take too long. So my work around here was using one extra program. Now hear me out adding something else to the mix cut the time by half it didn't double. The site that I used is This quickly and easily formats and creates a pretty colour palette for you and you can input your own colours. So using coolors to get down the colour palette image then putting that into krita and making it look all nice and replacing the water mark i was able to create the colour palettes seen in attachments somewhere.
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